My Work

Welcome to Seeling Art. I am an artist and art educationalist who specialises in working with children and young adults with learning differences. I am currently based in Malaysia and provide intensive training for young artists diagnosed with Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Down's Syndrome. In this site, you will see more about my personal work. Most of my paintings and illustrations are in oil on canvas, watercolours, ink and colour pencils. I love to paint animals and young children to express my thoughts. I have also started illustrating and making picture books for young readers and adults.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Illustrations for Aseop's Fables. The Fox and The Stork. This is part of my summer school exercise. I was given a title to work on it before i get there in September. This is my first time attending a summer school course in Italy. Really looking forward for a new learning experience. My work on Aseop's Fables has a little twist of my own. I like to view the fables with my own perspective. This story is not about taking revenge but to make peace at the end by respecting each other's limitation.

Which has the best Aroma?

Are We Able to Enjoy This?

We Make Peace And Have A Wonderful Dinner

Which Is the Right Plate for Mr Fox?

I Bought A Bottle of Wine for Miss Stork
More Fruits for Mr Fox, Please!

We Should Have Moment Like This More Often

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